We work with renowned artists and architects, prepare granite semi-finished products, and collaborate on creation. Their granite works are (were) often created directly in our plant with our help, for example, Zdeněk Hůla, Bohumil Teplý, Jaroslav Jurčák (✝2016), Jasan Zoubek, Václav Fiala, Jan Sobek, Miroslav Zubíček, Miroslav Machala…

We can produce solitaires and monolithic semi-finished products or entire works even where it may seem impossible at first glance. We usually have 500 – 1000 m3 of granite blocks in stock for stonework, of which there are always several blocks over 6 meters in size for artistic purposes. We will be happy to provide the artist with an equipped workplace using our technologies to complete the work.

We also manufacture unique originals to order, e.g. for historical buildings, private and sports grounds. Manual masonry work is often irreplaceable by mechanical methods. The granite solitaire then bears the handwriting of the creator – stonemason or stone sculptor.

Vážení obchodní partneři,

chtěli bychom Vás informovat o plánované zimní technologické odstávce. Výrobní závod se uzavře 17. 12. 2022 a samotná výroba se spustí od 27. 2. 2023. Nakládka skladových výrobků bude možná od 9. 1. 2023.

Česká Žula, s.r.o.

PF 2023